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Affiliate module
Affiliate Module for your webshop and e-store at Talex
In addition to our own module , you can also connect external such as Adrecord and more!
Let others make money by generating customers, orders etc. for you
We can offer all our customers an affiliate module in your stores . This means that all our customers can start an affiliate program and members of this program can make money by sending traffic and customers to you.
Links to your store may be in the form of plain text link (eg on a blog / forum ) or banner (for example on a web site).
You can follow statistics of traffic and sales generated.
Cost of affiliate module : Start fee: 1295 SEK Monthly fee : 95 SEK ( payable annually)
The entry fee includes the purchase of a software license for the affiliate program (which you own ) . Installing the program with us at a subdomain (eg affiliate.youdomain.com ) and links to your store.
Affiliate module is not limited to just the marketing of your web shop with us, but can be used for marketing other services / goods / web pages if you want.