- E-store packages & Prices
- Additional services
- Business Systems/Logistics/B2B
- Payment solutions
- Design
- Dropshipping
- Freight & 3PL
- Marketing Places
- Modules - General
- Visibility
- Specialist services
- Start services
- Other services
- Laws and regulations
With Talex, you gain access to a wide range of plugins, modules, and features designed to customize and optimize your webshop according to your unique needs. We offer flexible solutions that can be tailored to suit all types of e-commerce businesses, whether you run a small company or a large B2B platform.
We are known for delivering:
- Customized modules for special functions that are not included in standard e-commerce or e-commerce system solutions.
- Flexible e-commerce systems that can grow alongside your business.
- Unique design and tailored solutions that create a webshop as unique as your brand.
Many of our customers come from other providers where their previous e-commerce platform could no longer meet their growing needs.
With Talex, you get an e-commerce platform and system that can always grow with you, and if any function is missing, we can almost always create a solution that fits your business.
* included in our max package with up too 100.000 lookups
** One-off fee
** One-off fee