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Google Analytics 4 - Ecommerce
With Talex Webshop, there is already the possibility for you to paste your own static scripts. For example. Google Analytics visitor statistics.
But with some services, scripts are needed that send values that are different depending on what the visitor does and what values or prices the store's products have.
Google Analytics Ecommerce is such a script.
With Google Analytics 4, you can get statistics on the following:
- What categories/products the visitor looks at, what the products and categories are called and what prices the products have.
- When the visitor puts a product in the shopping cart.
- When the visitor removes a product from the shopping cart.
- When the visitor looks at the details of the items in the shopping cart.
- When the visitor goes to checkout and what is in the shopping cart.
- When the visitor completes their purchase.
In this way, you can analyze in detail what leads to completed purchases or what customers have done before leaving the store.
Included in Plus package and up if you have version 12.4D
On other packages it can be installed for a start-fee of 3000 SEK and 1320 SEK per år. Contact us to order.
(in addition to the standard functions above, the module can also be tailored based on customer-specific needs - offered separately)
Technical specification:
This standard module is based on so-called "gtag". We can also offer a module based on data layer but then you need to set up things via GTM (Google Tag Manager)
If you already have a SEO consult please ask them which method they would prefer. Further reading What's the difference between Google tag and Google Tag Manager?
All external integrations that you have entered yourself are your own responsibility. You are responsible for everything working together with Google Analytics.