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Auction Module
The auction module allows you to publish products for bidding that creates activity in the store and makes visitors return to the store. Even if you only have an auction once in a while it usually leads to other spontaneous purchases.
In your administration interface you select the product to be auctioned off (You continue to sell the product as usual in the shop) and the reserve price. You can set an end date for the auction and the minimum amount you a bid can be increased.
When a customer enters your auction page thry will see that all active and completed auctions. When they are in an auction they are always informed by email about changes in the auction, for example, if someone places a higher bid. The customer who wins the item when the auction is completed will be alerted via email and the item is automatically added in the customer's shopping cart. The customer can not remove the item from the basket because all bids are binding.
Annual fee.