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QR-codes (Quick Response)
QR module / application
A QR Code (Quick Response) is a two-dimensional bar code. QR codes have recently become increasingly common, particularly for different types of barcode scanners available or pre-installed as applications for most modern mobile phones.
The fact that many modern mobile phones can read and decode QR codes has resulted in increased usage.
Codes may include found on billboards and newspaper ads, where the reader can scan a QR code with their mobile phone which then opens a web page with offers or for more information.
Possible Usage areas
Using QR codes your customers can in the easiest way purchase products directly from their smartphone from printed material. It may be an advert, brochure, poster, or an offer that comes with their package / invoice / receipt.
Try scanning the code below to get a discount code for this particular module!
Other possible uses
- Take advantage of discount offers
- See an advertisment film
- On T-shirts, promotional clothing and more.
Or print many codes at once (eg A4 avery and more) - PDF / Acrobat is required
To start using QR codes, one needs a newer phone with camera and a QR application that connects QR Code linked to their targets (product / page / offers / film, etc.)
The value lies not only in the bar code, but also in the enormous potential for companies to market themselves mobile.
The Basic version / features of Talex QR module / application costs 2600 kr-time fee (QR codes / images are created for each product and pages - and can be downloaded by you in admin or you want your customers in the frontend).
The possibilities are endless! Just use your imagination, therefore, the basic function can of course be adapted / tailored with hourly billing.