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Newsletter - Take your marketing via email to new heights
Talex in cooperation with Get a Newsletter - an integrated advanced newsletter solution with very good overview!
- Collect subscribers via Talex Webshop.
- Send newsletter - with a template wizard you can create attractive, effective newsletters.
- Follow up your newsletter with comprehensive statistics.
In our advanced package and up higher our own newsletter module is included free of cost, but in all our packages, you can also connect to external newsletter services (such as Apsis, MailChimp or Get a Newsletter).
But now we have an integrated advanced newsletter solution with a much better overview!
You will have advanced features such as:
• which subscribers open your newsletter (who, when, number of clicks, etc.).
• Subscribers who have NOT opened the newsletter (who).
• which links are most interesting for subscribers and much more (who, number of clicks, etc.).
• which subscribers have something wrong with their email (bounces).
• which subscribers have finished their subscription.
• export new subscribers / update / syncronise automatically.
• Create lists and categorize customers by interests, gender, age, language, country, number of purchases, or whatever you wish.
In this way, you can control your mailings to reach exactly the right audience.
Cost for automatic and continuous transmission in real time (called API connection) of your subscribers by Talex Webshop System to Get a Newsletter is 800 SEK initiation fee and 800 SEK / year (period 12 months). Note no annual fee on the Max Package.
However, you can export the subscribers from Talex webshop system then import to GetaNewsletter manually if you wish. See Admin> Tools> Email / Mail Export. This will create an Excel file that can be easily imported.
Start by registering an account for newsletter now by clicking on the link or the picture::
Get a newsletter costs are additional.